LED Lighting Trends in the market place and connectivity

We wanted to give you a brief low down of what’s going on in the world of lighting, with the advancement of technology and the super growth of the LED we’ve outlined a few interesting technology trends happening in the LED lighting market.

The Internet Of Things
We have previously posted a blog on this particular topic but we think it makes number one on our list because of the pure brilliance of it all! Simply add some cameras and data connections and VOILA! Lights on.

New Technologies for Power
LED luminaire usually come with a ‘driver’, working to convert the mains electricity supply into a form the light can use. But latest new power technologies mean the ‘driver’ is being discarded by some manufacturers and are using power-over-ethernet, which provides electricity through data cables! One manufacturer is also selling a central hub power system, with each fitting connected directly to a bus cable.

Wireless Lighting
Can lighting really go wireless? It has, and is especially appealing for retrofit projects. We will see wireless lighting systems becoming more and more popular and will be controlled by the users smart phone or table. There are also radio-frequency based systems which use a mains power line to communicate data to and from your fittings. It’s all pretty smart really!

LED Lights Make You Healthy?
When we say ‘make you healthy’ we mean assist you in leading a healthier, happier lifestyle. The rise of the LED has seen many health benefits, by adjusting the brightness and colour of the LED there is the ability to replicate natural daylight which has all kinds of benefits to the human body and brain, in both a work and social environment. Interested to know more, click here

It’s All In The Materials
The word in the LED lighting world is that blue is out an violet is in! According to Shoji Nakamura, Nobel Prize Winner, The violet LED renders colour better, provide greater efficiency and possibly have a longer life span. In technical speak the violet LED put the gallium nitride on a base of more gallium nitride rather than sapphire – ‘GaN-on-GaN’.

Another material set to revolutionise the world of the LED is ‘du jour graphene’. Graphene is said to have a high conductivity making the light sources more efficient, long lasting and brighter – due to hit the market in the very near future and will, apparently, be used in everything from buildings to phones to water filters.

Is Everywhere LED?
Older technologies are being replaced by the LED – 2015 saw the Super Bowl under the bright lights of the LED. Up until the start of 2014 the manufacturers were insistent that the old technologies such as metal halide and cold cathode were perfectly acceptable forms of lighting for the Super Bowl but February 2015 saw them embrace the LED. Cost effective lighting at it’s best!

Lights for Lights?
Lighting isn’t just for lights anymore! It’s jumped on the technology bandwagon with ‘Li-Fi’, like Wi-Fi but using light and ‘indoor positioning’ that tracks peoples position using LED luminaire and their smartphones! Improving experiences within shops, museums, and other indoor spaces. We’re looking forward to what comes next!
